Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trick Or Treat

It's trick or treat time! Halloween. AND CANDY CORN! I do enjoy candy corn. It's candy, but not corn. I do not like corn. It's yellow and sticks to my teeth. But Candy Corn ------ yumo! It's sweet and crunchy! The crunch is sort of like dry kitty food, but maybe a bit more soft.

Don't know what is in Candy Corn, but after I eat a piece I find myself running in and out of each room, and up and down the stairs. 'D' calls me a speed demon. It's sort of funny to think about it. I'll have one little piece of Candy Corn, and I'm running around like a madcat, so full of energy. Now 'D', he can eat almost the whole bag, and what does he do? Sit in his easy chair and watch the idiot box. I don't know why it doesn't have the same effect on him. Maybe it's because he outweighs me by about 180 pounds. Or maybe because he drinks a lot of coffee; or maybe it's because he smokes, or maybe it's because he's tired. I think it's because he is in a sugar coma. Too much of a good thing. Besides, I like it when he is in that Candy Corn Coma .... I can sit and sleep on his lap for a long, long time. Nice and comfy!

So please, send all your Candy Corn to me. I'll make sure 'D' gets plenty to eat.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I think i can i think i can.

First of all, I would like to wave my paw at 'WW' for sending this picture to 'D'.

'D' showed it to me, and I thought it was puuurrrfect for my blog.

I feel like this the kitty in the picture some days. I believe you humans have felt this way too. Treading the water of life. With all that is going on in the country (recession (or depression ... depends on whom you talk to), the election, food prices, health care, etc. etc.) I do believe that most of you feel this way.

I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but alas I do not.

Because .......

Sometimes a wet cat is just a wet cat.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sleep Little Kitty

Yes, there I am ..... sleeping as usual. It was a beautiful day. Almost 80. I enjoyed looking out the window, and feeling the breeze upon my face. I know that the cold months are coming, D&D broke out the jackets last week.

You may be wondering why I am sleeping upon a newspaper. Well - believe it or not, after 'D&D' read it, I decided to skim through the news. Don't know about the other kitties out there, but I am tired of reading about the presidential canidates. Sure, both canidates feel they are both qualified for the job. And yadda yadda yadda.

Because in the feline world, we do not have elections - so I find this 'running for president' thing a wee bit boring. A lot of finger pointing, name calling and mud slinging.

I really don't know who I would vote for, if I could vote.

Am I a Demokat? Or a Republicat? Or maybe a Independacat.

I think I need to ponder this for a bit longer. Hmmmm kitty treats help me think.

Now if I can only get 'D or D' to follow me downstairs to where the treats are located - I would be a happy kitty with a snack in my belly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm back

Have been on vacation. Well .......... D&D have been. So I decided to take on too. So, tomorrow it will be back to the daily grind of blogging. See you then.