Thursday, May 29, 2008


Yeah, that's me - rolling on the kitchen floor.
'D&D' think I do that because I am glad that they have returned home. But to be honest, I do that so that they will think I'm cute (which I am), and feed me.

There is only a few bad points about rolling about the kitchen floor.

Number 1. It cause my fur to create static electricity, which can not only shock 'D&D' (which is funny!), but also shock myself if I brush up against anything meta.

Number 2. Heaven forbid, if the floor is just a tad bit dirty (tracked in from outside), I tend to get my fur a wee bit dirty.

Number 3. Ummmm sometimes the floor smells like feet.

Well, a rolling kitty, gathers no moss!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Toonces The Driving Cat

Just wanted to post a link to my favorite TV star. Toonces the Driving Cat. Toonces was on Saturday Night Live.

Cut and paste the following link and enjoy!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


'D' took this picture at the beach in Florida. Pretty isn't it? I could stare at it for hours.

'D' tells me that I have I do not pay attention ... that my attention span is almost nil. Hmmmmphf!

I do not agree with his assumption of my attention abilities!

I can sit and watch a fly for hours, buzzing around the room. Now that is a great attention span.

I can sit at the window for hours, and watch all the birdies flying about outside (wondering to myself what they would taste like). Now that is a great attention span.

I can sit and watch a tiny ant, take it's hour long trip across the kitchen floor. Now that is a great attention span.

I really do not understand where 'D' gets this notion that I have a short attention span! How darn 'D' think of me that way. Why, my attention span is as long as it can possible be! How insulting! I'd like to see 'D' sit and watch a fly buzzing around for hours.

And another thing ......... oh look - a kitty toy................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................
........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I do have a question for you.

How do you keep a human in suspense?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Isn't It Darling!!!

Isn't it Darling!

Humans have such an interesting (and sometimes bizarre) way of expressing themselves. They love to use words. And I have noticed that they use them as weapons more times than they should. But that's another blog for another day.

Well, I was listening to 'D' talking to the other 'D' a few days ago, and 'D' was repeating a conversation he heard between two ummmm what did he call them ..... oh yeah 'little ole ladies'. One of them said to the other, 'Oh my, isn't the dish just darling!'

Oh boy, did I grin from ear to ear. How can a dish be 'darling'???? I heard humans call each other 'darling'. I heard that quite a bit. But a dish????

I see a dish, my first thought, I can assure you, is NOT 'darling'. My first thought is FOOD!

"Oh look at that darling dish. It would match my darling tablecloth, along with my darling table. Which of course, matches the darling wallpaper in my darling dining room. I love my darling dining room. In fact, I love my darling house, in my darling city, in my darling state, in my darling country, in this darling world!"

Where is a baseball bat when you need one?

PS. Oh, the picture is of the Geigo mascot Gecko, sunning himself while on vacation.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Vacation!

Sheesh! 'D&D' went on another trip, leaving me alone. But again, that was okay because I had the house to MYSELF!

During their trip, 'D&D' stopped at a place called Niagra Falls. Oh, did 'D' ever talk about that place! I did my little kitty yawn while he talked about it.

'Big Deal!', I thought to myself. 'All that excitement over a bunch of running water.'

I changed my tune when I saw the pictures. Wow. Now that is a lot of water! It just reminds us exactly who is boss - Mother Nature.

Hmmmmm wonder where I can rent a barrel?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gas Prices

Well, I am beginning to tire of hearing 'D&D' complain about gas prices. Everyday, I heard about it. The moaning and complaining interrupts my napping. I've heard it so much lately, that when 'D&D' complain, I can move my mouth and it looks as though I'm talking!

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase stop!

I really do not see what the problems is.

Gas prices are rising. Big Deal!

Just go to the supermarket and buy cases of beans! They are not that expensive.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another Poem

"Trees" By Keldan

I think that I will never see,
A poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose bark I like to climb,
Scurry on up, and stop on a dime.
Climb the branches, oh no I slip,
On the way down I hurt my hip.
To see my maker, I'm ready to meet,
But I'm a cat, I land on my feet.

- the end.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yum Yum! Give Me Some!!!!

Well, apparently it is a cat's nature to hunt, ie stalk, birds. Well, it is true that our natural instinct is to hunt. A mouse here and there. Maybe a bug. Perhaps a fly or another type of flying insect. But usually you humans have a habit of thinking in your minds eye, that we stalk birds.

I've not stalked a bird. Tis true, that I do feel the urge to chase them when I see them from my window. And I have watched some of the felines in the neighborhood go after birds, but rarely do they catch them.

Well, 'D' showed me a picture of a bird he took, while in Florida. I've posted it.


I bet that bird would be a pain in the butt to stalk, let along catch! Apparently it's quite tall, maybe 3 or 4 feet. I am not very good a judging things like that. But, man oh man - IF I did stalk that bird, and catch him!!

I would have enough food for breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, midnight snack, and breakfast!!!!! Probably for a week!

In all honesty, I think the bird is very pretty and graceful! I would never harm a bird like that. As with everything ..... life is precious.

Except for a bug. I'd munch that down in a heartbeat!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well. 'D&D' went on a little vacation. And guess what! THEY DIDN'T TAKE ME!!!!

Man oh man was I mad. Furious!!! Really really furrrrious!

After they left, I plotted out my revenge. Hmmmmm - should I shred the curtains in the living room? Maybe use the arm of the chair for my scratching post? Perhaps use all those 'knick knacks' sitting around for kitty toys?

Ohhhhhhhhhh the possibilities were endless. I danced a dance of glee as I wondered about, looking here and there - trying to make my mind up as to what I was going to mess up.

And then it dawned on me. ALONE!

That means. IT'S ALL MINE!!! MINE! MINE! MINE!

The whole house was mine!!! I owned it all. Oh - then I did dance a dance of glee about the place. Sitting on the sofa and looking at all that was mine!!!!

I didn't have to share anything with anyone!

Then they came home! Well, so much for the peace and quite of MY home!

They did bring back a few pictures - like the one I posted.

'D' found the road sign amusing and snapped a picture of it.

You humans do indeed have a very strange sense of humor!

PS: In case you cannot read the sign in the picture. It says "Stinky Creek Road". Yeah, like I'd spend my vacation there!