Monday, July 28, 2008

It's A Party!

Well, 'D&D' had a pizza party of sorts at our house. A celebration of 'D's b-day as well.

But let's get back to the pizza part of the party. Well - what does arrive for the party? Eight, count them, eight boxes of pizzas.

Yum Yum Give Me Some.

And I must say, they smelled soooooooooooooo good! All that warm, yummy cheese! Made my mouth just water!

So, when all the humans were outside, eating and drinking and chatting and smoking and munching and visiting - I could not resist that cheesy smell, and made myself comfortable atop one of the still warm boxes!

I was in heaven! The box was so warm, the cheesy aroma was overpowering! And then 'D' had to ruin it all and shoo me away from the boxes.

And 'D' didn't even offer me a nibble of pizza! Well!

Just wait. Revenge is a dish best served cold! (And cold pizza isn't that bad either!).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At Ease

It's been a rather quiet day today. (YAWN).

I slept and slept and slept. 'D' took a picture of me.

I must say, I'm soooooo handsome.

Which reminds me ....

What's black and white and red all over?

Give up?

Answer: A black and white cat with a diaper rash.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hot Hot Hot

N ever have I felt so much humidy! It is sooooo hot, that I wish that I didn't have such a pretty white coat. That's the trade off I guess. But a kitty must always look marvy, even on hot day.

I was thinking to myself; maybe I should ask 'D&D' for a fur cut. Is that silly? But ..... what if hey give me something ... like a mohawk! Now wouldn't I be a sight with a mohawk! All I would need would be a stud collar and I could become a 'punk kitty'.

And I really think that if I were to have 'D&D' cut my fur, I would like bangs. I think bangs are cool. But since I do not have fur growing down over my eyes, bangs would be out of the question.

ut I must say. If I really think about it. I'm purrrfect just like I am. Sweet .... pure ... innocent.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hide and Seek

Hey you guys ...... guess what.

I have this little game that I love to play. 'D&D' do not know it's a game (which is the funny part).

They smoke. P.U. Nasty, nasty habit! I hate cigarette smoke. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Whenever I find one of their lighters laying around (on the counter, on the table, on the sink ... where ever), I knock them on the floor, and bat them under something. Either under the frig, the dining room table, the sofa, the chairs ... under the washer, the dryer, the pantry cupboards. I bat them under the bathroom scale, the dresser, the bed, the night stand. I even bat them down the register vents, especially the one in the entrance hall.

So I smile my kitty smile, while they look all over the house for these lighters. It is quite funny watching them looking in drawers and pockets for lighters, when I know good and well they are hidden.

Hey .... this kitty has to entertain himself somehow!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cat Reasons

Hi there.

Well here are my reasons why it is good being a cat.

# 1 Do not have to go to work and pay taxes.
# 2 Get to sleep anytime we want to.
# 3 Humans buy us food and toys.
# 4 We don't lie.
# 5 We love with no conditions.
# 6 We can demand and get attention from our humans friends.
# 7 We can utter bad words and humans cannot understand what we are saying.
# 8 We have not nasty habits like smoking.
# 9 We will allow you to name us silly names.
# 10 We are great at playing hide and seek.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wake up Wake up

'D&D' have this .... thing .... they call an alarm clock. Almost every morning it makes this horrible noise until 'D' shuts it off.

After a couple years of this (Okay I'm slow at some things), I realized that this device wakes them up in the morning.

They should use the alarm clock that I use. It's called my belly. It always tells me that it's breakfast time! Never fails. Always wakes me up.

So, lately, when 'D&D' alarm device goes off ..... 'D' will smack it and it grows silent. I've watched him do this a number of times. So I decided to take it upon myself, to make sure he wakes. So I jump upon the bed, inch slowly toward his face so that my whiskers almost touch him, and I MEOW loudly.

That seems to do the trick. I think it may annoy him because he swats at me with his hand (and always miss) and I jump from the bed onto the floor.

I follow him downstairs and go right to my food bowl, where he promply fills it with my breakfast.

Then he grumbles and makes his coffee.

Do I have him trained or what??

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Here is a picture of a white coneflower that is growing in 'D&D's flower garden. Isn't it a pretty flower! So pretty and pure. Innocent looking plant, wouldn't you say?
You know, that flower is a lot like me. I'm white, and pretty and pure and innocent!
I like flowers. Flowers are my friend.
(Unless there is a big nasty bee on it. Yikes!).

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lazy Day

What a lazy day today. I spent most of my time napping and just being a big lazy kitty. I do enjoy sitting on the counter near the kitchen door so I can look outside.

Do you think I'm fat? 'D&D' say that I have a 'purse'. (A little pouch at my stomach). Hmmmm I don't think I have one. I think I am very handsome.

Besides, a male cat would never, ever carry a purse. Or a wallet for that matter. I have no money - just good looks!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Beautiful Dreamer


Oops. I had my paws on the wrong keys Sorry.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


'D&D' went outside to sit on the curb in front of the firestation to watch the fireworks tonight. Hmpf!!!! They didn't take me, but that's okay. I do not like loud noises anyway. So instead I sat in the entrance hall and relaxed. I found that if I close my eyes really, really tight - I can see fireworks anyway! Don't believe me? Try it.
Close your eyes really really tight - then visualize fireworks - and you'll see them.

Didn't work? Oh, it only works on cats!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I spent the majority of the day, relaxing in the re-finished attic. 'D&D' thinks that this room is theirs. Ha! It's my big playroom.

So, there I was .... minding my own business when 'D' decided to take pictures of me. Urgh! That annoying flashing, the annoying clicking, and the annoying whirling sound! And the camera was annoying too!

So I didn't cooperate with the process at all. I sat there looking regal (my usual look). I didn't act or look cute UNTIL after 'D' took the picture. Then 'D' would say 'oh I just missed a perfect cutie cat shot!'. Then 'D' would aim the camera and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait - until 'D' became tired of waiting and he would take a picture. THEN I would stick out my tongue after he snapped the picture, and I would here him say 'oh no! I just missed another cutie cat shot!'. He he he he!!!! This little game would continue for maybe 5 or 10 minutes until he grew tired and stopped.

'D&D' are one of my favorite toys to play with!