Monday, November 17, 2008

The Comfort Of Throw Pillows

Well you caught me. One of my favorite places to nap ... atop the orange and green throw pillows. They are so soft and comfy! I can nap upon them for hours. And I think the contrast of those colorful pillows against my beautiful white fur is just a vision!

The only draw back is this. The orange and green 'threads' come off the pillows and get tangled within my fur. So it sort of looks like I am going for the punk look! But that is well worth the price! Trading a little bit of orange and green strings on my fur - for the comfy of the pillows doesn't bother me at all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Pose Therefore I Am

I have to admit, I do like this picture of myself that 'D' took back in July. 'D' caught me napping on the kitchen floor, woke me and then snapped this picture. As you can see, I do not suffer from the frightful human disease called 'Bed-Head'. (But 'D' sure does!)

I do have to say this about the months of November thru March. They are colder than the remaining months. Which is okay for this feline - I'm an inside house so I am always toasty!
But, what felines hate (especially this handsome one) is ...... (drum roll please)......................

I don't know how I get that darn stuff in my fur - but I do. So whenever 'D&D' touch me, or pets me - I hear this little 'snap' and I feel that 'zzzzzz' of a shock. At first, I thought that I had done something wrong - until I realized that 'D' feels the shock as well. Sometime I will just touch 'D' with my nose to smell him and 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ' the shock will happen.

I have heard the 'Ds' talking about this static electricity - especially when they are doing the laundry. They throw this white sheets into the dryer - and that prevents this static electricity shocking.

The question is, how do I pull one of those fabric sheets out of the box, and rub it all over myself. And do I want to! Do I want to smell like lavender, or flowers, or the outside breeze? Those sheets sort of ummmmm stink (if you want my opinion).

So, until I figure out how to de-static myself. I guess I'll go through the winter months shocking humans (and myself). I can think of better ways to 'shock' humans than static electricity - but that is another blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sniff sniff - do I smell another tree of toys?

Well, 'D' was poking around in one of the rooms of the house, and I saw him open a box and inside were those shinny things that he puts on what he calls a Christmas Tree.

I remember those tree. All green with lights, and covered with all kinds of kitty toys for me to play with.

I can hardly wait until this tree is set up!

Of course I only play with the tree toys when 'D&D' are at work.

Please don't tell them.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bumble Bees

Here is another picture 'D' took in his flower garden. I don't know what the flower is (D calls it Sedum), but I do know what bees are. These bees look a little frightening. Bumble Bees is what 'D' calls them. Bumble. What a word. What does it mean? Bumble. If you say it enough times, it sounds silly, doesn't it? I do know what a bum is. I do know what a bee is. But I don't know what a bumble is. Well, I guess a bumbling idiot, is someone who messes things up. But these bees do not look like they would mess anything up - maybe mess up a human if the bee stung one.
I think humans have too many words. The spelling of some human words are the same, but are pronounced different. And then the spelling of some human words are different, but are pronounced the same. It's so confusing to me.
I'm glad I'm a cat. We have one word. MEOW!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


This is another picture 'D' took at the zoo. Some sort of lizard I think. Pink and black. A Gila Monster is what 'D' called this lizard. What a name!!! Not the Gila part, but the monster part. I think the lizard looks rather dashing - not at all like a monster.
I bet a human named this lizard a Gila Monster!
How can anything with pink, be a monster? Just look at me. I have pink ears, nose, paws ..... and I look marvelous.
And are some humans pink? Hmmmm I think there is a point that I am trying to make .... and I think you may have figured it out.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Candy Corn Part Two

What a day! Windy and cold. And somewhat rainy (well it was yesterday). Sort of boring at home alone all day. I napped .... played with a few toys ..... looked out the window. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Then 'D&D' came home from work .... with a package that the mail man delivered. 'D' said something like 'it's from Mary Ann.'

'D' must have known that I was staring at him, questioning who is Mary Ann. He looked at me and said "Aunt Mary Ann send some Halloween treats!"

Well, he opened the package and pulled out not one, but two bags of Halloween candy! And guess what guys ......... CANDY CORN!!!!!!!


Ohhhhh 'D' will really go into a Candy Corn Coma after eating all of that! And I'll have a nice, comfy lap to sleep on!

So now I'm just patiently tapping my paw ....... waiting for 'D' to open a bag and begin his feast!

Candy Corn + 'D' = a nice nap nest!