Monday, September 29, 2008

Fresh As A Daisy

Another picture from 'D's garden.

That's how I feel today. Fresh as a daisy. Time for a poem.

Daisy ----- By Keldan

I like the daisy, it is white.

I am white.

We are white.

The daisy and I are One.

-The End

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Oh The Humanity (or Catmanity)!

I'm not really a political feline ...... but c'mon guys!

Does anyone know how much money is spent, by-for-on canidates, for an election??????
I do believe it is an obscenely amount of $$$$$.

Does one realize how much that money would come in handy for the kitties (and kiddies)???
Ohhhhhh don't get me started!!!!! Kitties and kiddies are only the tip of the iceberg!

I will never under humans! I am amazed that most of the human population isn't on the edge right now!

Okay okay okay. I've gotten off my soupbox (for the time being).

Let's get on with my kitty blog.

. Today .... I ate a bug.

The End.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tired Today

Very short blog here, so I'll write a poem.

Tired ---- By KK Keldan

I nap I wake
I want to eat a cake.
I wake I nap
I want to find a lap.
I nap I eat
Now I feel beat.
I nap I sleep
My slumber is deep.

- the end

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hole In The Sky

'D' took this picture the other day. I call it 'Hole In The Sky'. Clouds are so interesting. 'D' says that you can see images in the clouds.

So one day, while laying in the window sill, I looked up and stared at the clouds.

Very interesting.

All the clouds looked like mice to me.

Nothing worse, that a cat stuck in a house looking out the window at a sky full of mice.

It's madness I tell you!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Night The Lights Went Out ......

Finally - the lights are back on! We've had no power for 3 days!!!!!!
Actually, that didn't bother me at all because I spend most of my day napping. But 'D&D' sure did not like it! They couldn't cook food (lucky me my food comes out of a pouch). They couldn't watch TV or do anything that required electricity. I was a tad bit annoyed because I couldn't do my blog - but other than that - I had no problem with it.
I had to admit 'D' was a bit grouchy, maybe because 'D' didn't have his coffee/tea for a few days.
I think humans need to learn from us felines. We use our wits and imagination to entertain ourselves. We do no rely on TV, or the internet, or even electricity!
PS I am glad the TV is back on. I love it for the background noise! Helps me nap.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh No! Not Another Pizza Picture!

Okay guys - I'll have you know, that posting this picture was not my idea! I opposed it. A picture of me atop a pizza box has already been posted to my blog - but 'D' decided that I needed to post the other picture.

Do I have a silly look on my face or what! Anyone who has read my previous posts, know that I laid (innocently I might add) atop one of the pizza boxes because A) it was warm ... B) the pizzas smelled wonderful ... and C) I was hungry.

As you can see from this picture I am a little bit ummmmmmm excited (otherwise known as my tummy demanding some pizza). I know my tail looks a little blurred - but I was swishing it around and around showing my intense pleasure of the pizza that was about to come.

And yes, I did receive a nibble of the pizza. And it was good. And I relished every morsel!

And contrary to what 'D' thinks, pizza does not taste better the next day. In fact, I thought it tasted rather cold, stiff, ungiving, and just plain yucky! I could't believe how 'D' eats day old pizza, smacking his lips, getting that red sauce over his face!

Now hard cat food on the other hand, taste wonderful day after day, no matter how long it has been out in the bowl. And of course I have never seen 'D' eat even a morsel of my hard dry cat food. What's with that? If I can taste 'D's food, surely he can taste mine! It's only fair. Maybe 'D' is afraid that he would like it - and want it all for himself.

I wish I could operate a digital camera. I would LOVE to get a picture of 'D' lying on his back, on the sofa, watching TV, and eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream. See how he would like if I posted THAT on my blog for all the world to see.

Now I am lost - I cannot remember what I really wanted to blog about. All this talk of pizzas has gotten me a little bit hungry.

Guess I'll head downstairs to the TV room, and hopefully 'D' has left a doughnut, or a snack on the side table for me to nibble on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh Brother!

Who am I suppose to complain to?
I really do not understand why Hollywood does not use the correct actor(s) in movies.
Having a woman play a cat!
I'm sure there are plenty of female felines that are unemployed in Hollywood that would have loved to play the part of Catwoman.
Well, I guess it would be a bit difficult for a human to act opposite an actual kitty cat ... and make the audience believe it.
But come on ! Who better to play a catwoman - than a cat.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I See Spots

Another one of 'D's zoo pictures. 'D' calls him a Leopard. I know that the Leopard and I are related; both of us coming from the cat family. He is pretty. I wonder why only wild cats (big game cats) are the only ones who have spots like this. I've not see a housecat with spots such as these.

I think it would be cool if I had spots like these. I could sit on a Leopard fabric colored sofa and no one would ever see me. That would be fun. I could spy and evesdrop on 'D', but it really wouldn't be spying or evesdropping because I would be in plain view! How fun would that be!

Of course I probably would be the brunt of idiotic jokes .... like 'hey Keldan - you have a spot on your fur' ... or 'D' would make a cross on me and say ' X marks the spot.'

That would be old really fast. So I think I would rather stay the pure white that I am.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cop A Pose

This is my favorite picture of me. I had just laid down on the kitchen floor, when 'D' took this picture. I had just ate - so my belly was full and I was fighting the nap monster. I remember 'D' standing in the doorway, with that camera ... saying "smile Keldan, smile little boy".

I thought to myself 'oh get a life'. Don't you have a dishwasher to load, a carpet to vacuum, a floor to sweep. Don't you have laundry to do, furniture to dust, and most importantly A CAT LITTER BOX TO CLEAN!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Community Food

'D&D' went to visit 'D' s mother over the weekend. They were gone all day, leaving me to roam this big house all alone. I really didn't mind at all - no one to interrupt my nap time.

'D' did bring back some photos he took. 'D' showed me this one. Six kitties. Well, 5 kitties and 1 mommy kitty. Pretty bunch, don't you think? They always eat until they get their bellies full.
I don't know their names.

The kitties are lucky - having someone to play with all day long. I think I would like that. But that would mean another kitty in MY house - and that just wouldn't do at all.

Hmmmmm maybe 'D&D' could rent a kitty for a day for me to play with.

No, I'm too selfish (and proud of that), and wouldn't want 'D&D' attention taken from me.

I'm very happy and content living where I am, and with 'D&D'.

Ohhhh I think I see a fly buzzing around. Gotta go!

A Cat On A Rug

Okay. 'D' caught me snoozing on the most coolest area rug in the house. Oh I love it. Nice and soft and clean. Pretty colors (don't believe the hype - I can see colors). I do like the circles. Makes me want to climb inside them and snooze ... snooze .... snooze.
I think I look ab fab against the red color.
But .... do I look fat? Do you think red makes me look fat? I do understand that the camera adds pounds to you - yeah that's it! It's the camera! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bald Eagle

'D' also took this picture at the zoo. He called this bird a Bald Eagle.
Doesn't look like a skin head to me.